
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Training programs for medical laboratory science graduate degrees requires that students learn a great deal of medical theory. But it also requires that they spend time in a clinical laboratory (usually of an attached university training hospital) gaining experience and developing hands-on skill for many of the tests conducted in that laboratory.     Experience in the laboratory however varies from one student to the other. For some, it’s a tolerable, rewarding learning experience with a little tinge of distress. For others it’s an experience filled with many difficulties—personal, interpersonal, academic, operational and formal difficulties. Still for some, time in the lab is a burning hell. Irrespective of what it could be, laboratory experience is never just an effortless pass time you cruise through without some friction, so much so that students think of their time in the lab as something to strive through at best, and at worst, something to survive.    However, if the following


What is the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? Source Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when microbes develop mechanism that protect them from the effects of antimicrobials. As a result, the medicines become ineffective, and infections persist in the body. When you take an antimicrobial drug, it goes on to kill microbes in your body, giving you relief. But with time, some of these microbes adopt means of shielding themselves from the effects of these antimicrobial drugs. The greater your exposure to these drugs; the faster these resistant bacteria increase. In any case, you come down with the same infection, you’ll need a stronger antibiotic agent, which are not easy to produce, and become even toxic to your system the stronger they are.


Nigeria, as a multi-ethnic country is a rich land for fabulously delicious delicacies. From the east, west, north and south to virtually every corner in the country, there is a superabundance of fantastic flavorful dishes that bring Nigerians together. The deeply flavored sauces, soups, savoury dishes, lavish aromatic market and mouth watering snacks are just out of this world. This nation is also a land of food combinations. Of course, food combination is definitely not peculiar to Nigerians alone, but I dare say that Nigerians have perfected the art. With the peculiarly well garnished and delectable Nigerian dishes, you can't help but fall in love with them all.

Mushin citizenship: live in CMUL for a year to get your green card

Take a look at yourself,  yeah ,  again . Is this  how you used to be?  Take another  quick look at your squad, have you all always been this  way?  Now, reflect on what's been happening for a couple of weeks now  in our country , how the  “ lazy Nigerian  yoots ”  who only 'press phones' evolved  in to  an organized,  outspoken  and unified  force ready to defend their motherland.  You’ll agree with me that there’s a lot that  your  environment has to do with  your personality . There’s a sort of perso na that   is naturally conferred  on people based on their associations and interactions.  Man's identity constantly changes and is very much influenced by the environment he lives in. Such as which ever country you're born in, yo u’re bound to pick  up the  language, behaviour   and ideals peculiar to that country.  On the flip side,  if a single person  or persons (especially a person or persons  of influence)  changes character, one that is acceptable by the peopl