What You Need To Know Before Starting Your Online Classes!

As resumption looms and the session continue s online, trust the editorial board to give you the right amount of push you need to start well. I’ve outlined a couple of things you can do to make the online classes and enjoyable experience. To be candid, this is an address to myself as much as it is to you because just like you, I ’ ve never done it before . But I promise to make t his article witty and relatable ; s tay with me ! 1. Don ’ t hate the idea: I n fact right this minute, tell yourself , “ I love the idea of the online class and I can ’ t wait to burst brain . ” You won ’ t w ant to make the mistake of hating something you haven ’ t even t ried . Don ’ t listen to the opinions of students from other schools on what it is and what it is not. Tha...