My dear, when your mother (or grandmother) calls you to come before her to pray for you, never grumble. Go before her humbly, and gently, bow your head slightly just enough so you could respond adequately to every prayer point she makes without straining out your vocal cords. And when you say your AMEN make sure it’s convincing enough for her to confidently move on to the next prayer point. Do not make her repeat herself. When she prays that you may not encounter misfortune, make sure you concretize that AMEN with a deep bass if you have a masculine voice or a high pitch if you have a feminine. In fact every morning you wake up (technically there’s no morning you don’t) go to her unsolicited to pray for you. Because my dear, only those prayers can save you from certain misfortunes, the likes of which I would have been a victim of some days ago. Apart from my mother’s prayers, I cannot explain what kept me awake that night let alone what kept me awake till past 2 o’clock. Th...